The society owes its origin to Dr. M. Rahmatulla, founder president who conceived the formation of the society when he attended the IADR 64th annual session in Dallas, Texas in March 1984. At the instance of the then president of IADR Dr. Robert frank of France, IADR (Indian Division) was conceived at the opening ceremony. The founder set the ball in motion to establish the IADR section in INDIA. After 2 years of continuous efforts, finally, the convention of the society was held in July 1986 at Hotel Connemara in Madras. The convener Dr. M. Rahmatulla was unanimously elected as the founder and president of the IADR Indian Division. Among others, DR. J.G. Kannapan, and Dr. P.K. Baskar played a major role in the establishment of the organization.
Initially, the name of the society was the Indian Association for Dental Research, however, at the suggestion of the parent body, the nomenclature of the association was changed to Indian society for dental research, which incorporated IADR Indian Division as well. The H.O. permitted the ISDR to charge lower fees giving member status as associate members to those who are unable to pay the annual fees prescribed by the IADR
The objectives of the society among others are:
ISDR has held nearly 25 annual conferences in different parts of the country. The first international conference of the ISDR was on “fluoride and dental health” held on Jan 5-8, 1987 at Madras, Tamilnadu. The proceedings of the conference titled “new frontiers in fluoride studies for health” jointly edited by Prof. A.J. Rug-gunn and Prof. M. Rahmatulla were released in 1988. The ISDR also held an international conference on forensic odontology was also held in 1998 organized by Dr. J.G. Kannapan. The third international meeting along with the 12th IADR and ISDR annual conference was held in Aug 1999 in Chennai. The symposium on art (atraumatic restorative treatment)” was held in conjunction with the conference. The proceedings of the symposium titled “management of dental caries through art approach “were edited by Prof. M. Rahmatulla and Prof. J.E. Frencken. Both the publications of the IADR and ISDR were hailed the world over